What Is the Canada-U.s. Air Quality Agreement

The Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement is an agreement between the United States and Canada to help protect the air quality in both countries. The agreement was first signed in 1991, and it has been renewed multiple times since then.

The agreement focuses on reducing air pollution that crosses the borders of the two countries. It sets goals for reducing emissions of pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can contribute to smog, acid rain, and other harmful effects on the environment and human health.

To meet these goals, the agreement sets out a number of measures for both countries to take. These include:

– Developing and implementing emissions reduction plans for major industrial sources of pollution.

– Conducting joint research and monitoring of air quality to better understand the sources and impacts of pollutants.

– Sharing information and best practices on air pollution control strategies.

– Promoting public awareness and education on air pollution issues.

The agreement has led to some significant improvements in air quality in both countries. For example, since the agreement was first signed, sulfur dioxide emissions from major industrial sources in both countries have been reduced by over 50%. Nitrogen oxide emissions have also been reduced significantly.

However, there are still challenges to overcome. In recent years, wildfires in Canada and the western United States have caused significant air pollution, and climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of such events in the future. There are also ongoing concerns about air pollution from transportation, particularly from diesel engines.

Overall, the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement is an important step towards protecting the environment and public health in both countries. By working together to reduce air pollution, Canada and the United States can help ensure that future generations can enjoy clean air and a healthy planet.

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