Training Contract Hong Kong 2021

Training Contract Hong Kong 2021: An Overview

The legal industry in Hong Kong is one of the most competitive and lucrative in the world. Young law graduates are attracted to the city’s thriving business environment, high salaries, and international exposure. However, getting into the legal profession in Hong Kong requires hard work, dedication, and a training contract. In this article, we will provide an overview of training contracts in Hong Kong and the opportunities available in 2021.

What is a Training Contract?

A training contract is a two-year contract between a law firm and a law graduate. It is a structured training program that provides graduates with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to become a qualified lawyer. During the training contract, graduates work as trainee solicitors and undergo a supervised training program that includes legal research, drafting, client interaction, and court attendance. At the end of the training contract, successful trainees become qualified solicitors.

Opportunities in 2021

The competition for training contracts in Hong Kong is fierce. The city’s top law firms receive hundreds of applications each year, and only a few candidates are selected. However, there are still opportunities available in 2021 for law graduates who are willing to work hard and prove themselves.

Here are some of the top law firms in Hong Kong that offer training contracts in 2021:

1. Clifford Chance: Clifford Chance is a global law firm with a strong presence in Hong Kong. The firm offers a comprehensive training program that includes rotations in various practice areas, such as banking and finance, corporate, and litigation.

2. Allen & Overy: Allen & Overy is a leading international law firm with a reputation for excellence in the Asia-Pacific region. The firm’s training program includes secondments to other offices in Asia and Europe, which provides trainees with valuable international exposure.

3. Herbert Smith Freehills: Herbert Smith Freehills is a top-tier law firm with a strong presence in Hong Kong. The firm’s training program includes rotations in various practice areas, as well as client secondments and pro bono work.

4. Baker McKenzie: Baker McKenzie is a global law firm with a long history in Asia. The firm’s training program includes rotations in various practice areas, as well as secondments to other offices in Asia and the United States.

5. Linklaters: Linklaters is a global law firm with a strong reputation in the Asia-Pacific region. The firm’s training program includes rotations in various practice areas, as well as secondments to other offices in Asia and Europe.

How to Apply for a Training Contract

To apply for a training contract in Hong Kong, law graduates need to have excellent academic records, strong communication skills, and a passion for the law. In addition, candidates need to demonstrate their knowledge of Hong Kong’s legal system and business environment.

To increase your chances of getting a training contract in Hong Kong, follow these tips:

1. Research the law firms: Before applying for a training contract, research the law firms you are interested in. Read their websites, attend their recruitment events, and talk to current trainees to get a better understanding of their culture and expectations.

2. Prepare a strong application: Your application should highlight your academic achievements, legal experience, and skills. It should also demonstrate your passion for the law and your understanding of Hong Kong’s business environment.

3. Attend interviews: If you are shortlisted for an interview, prepare thoroughly and be confident. Be prepared to answer questions about your legal knowledge, experience, and career goals.


A training contract in Hong Kong is a valuable opportunity for law graduates who want to work in the city’s thriving legal industry. While the competition is fierce, there are still opportunities available for candidates who are dedicated, hardworking, and passionate about the law. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of getting a training contract in Hong Kong in 2021.

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